It was Time
Well, it was time and a long time coming! Time to update and revamp my 6 year old web/blog. And the “situation” being what it is with CO-VID and so forth, it proved to be the right time.
“Under Construction”
PostcardZ from Victoria needed a serious “makeover” and fortunately I had help! It’s a big job, definitely a labor of love, but it also requires superlative teamwork. My team included Charlie, my tech/marketing wizard (who also helped me get my book ready for publication a few years ago) and Jen, my oh-so talented friend and graphic artist (who has helped me with my graphics and “brand” since day one)!
Rethinking, Revising, Fine Tuning…
For my part, it has involved many MANY hours of reviewing, rethinking, reorganizing, revising, changing, updating and culling “clutter”…paring down, fine tuning my focus and “look” for a “cleaner”, easier to navigate experience. Plus the fun part, choosing a new “theme” and adding some fabulous “bells and whistles”.
Ready for Launch!
Of course, despite the many, many hours of reviewing, editing, revising, there will probably be a few “oopsies” here & there but a blog is an organic evolving undertaking and I hope you’ll “follow” along on this unfolding journey!
Not to brag (too much), but I think we did a stellar job! The result is a visual “wow”!
I am so gratified and pleased, and I cannot wait to hear your feedback!