Now that so many of you have decided it is time to take that long awaited trip (that’s the good news!), it also means that you will be packing (uhoh!)!
I honestly don’t know anyone who ever said, “I LOVE to pack!” Even the most passionate diehard traveler, including me, has a hard time “embracing” or being enthusiastic about packing…
♥ Take heart! I’m here to help! ♥
Actually I find that it’s deciding WHAT to pack that really sends us into a tizzy of indecision and anxiety (i.e., not making the “right” choices”) and then “just in case” over packing the “wrong” clothes/stuff. This can definitely result in procrastinating, to “putting it off” and, worse yet, last minute packing and frustration (panic?)!
⇒ So, what to do? Read my posts about packing! I promise that they will help (if you heed my advice)!
First, a personal confession: As often as I have traveled, I still I go through the same packing “anxiety”… BUT as a compulsive list maker/planner, I start a “Packing List” before my trip (often weeks in advance). And I mean a physical “paper and pencil “packing list that I created years ago when I was doing corporate travel.
Inevitably I would “forget” something but not after I started using a list. Whether it’s for a weekend, a few days, or a week or more, I know that once I’ve “checked it off” I don’t have to think about it. I often edit a list for my destination depending on weather, etc. but the basics are always there.
That said, I have another confession: I have to “check” myself and not over pack as well. One sure fire way is using smaller luggage. I can still pack an amazing amount of clothes, etc. into a 25” roll-aboard but if I can’t lift it, I cull!
Yes, we’ve all had “packing regrets” but once you’re there, make the most of it and enjoy! After all, you’re on vacation!
♦ LOTS more Packing Tips that you’ll thank me for:
♦ Don’t Forget and Don’t Bother Checklists
♦ Wardrobe Fatigue: What is It and Is There a Cure for It?
♦ A Dozen Common Travel Planning Mistakes
⇓ Please share your best Packing Tips in the Comments Below⇓
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