Yes, it’s been a while!? However, after being here almost four (4 years! I know, can you believe it?) and with the level of tourism literally off the charts…I felt compelled to share some observations and, yes, pet peeves.
Although this post is Italy-centric, for the most part it could be about just about (over) tourism anywhere. There’s a LOT of press and social media out there and, frankly, a lot of it is very misleading; not showing you the realities much less giving timely or valuable travel advice.
Lots of pretty pictures, way too many selfies (don’t get me started about “influencers”!) and a lot of hype – what’s the “best”, the “most”, where are the “secret destinations” (although how it’s a now secret baffles me!) and on and on – pseudo experts giving “insider tips”…need I go on??
Also making the news, you may have seen that there has been “push back” from locals in several countries (e.g., water pistols in Barcelona) and now Venice is increasing their “day visit” fees and limiting group sizes. I expect more measures coming soon…
It seems that “revenge tourism”, “rude tourism” and now “over tourism” have hit a nerve with many…including me! Obviously scratching your name into the Colosseum or walls of Pompeii, water skiing or jumping into the canals of Venice, picnicking on Church steps, filling your water bottle from the Trevi Fountain, spray painting graffiti on walls, climbing on ancient statues for a %&#@% selfie…to name a few, are disrespectful, disgusting and offensive.
There is other seemingly oblivious behavior that I see (and hear) since I’m out and about a lot…and as I thought more and more about it, behavior that irritates the hell out of me. So, I started a list…and here it is…
NEVER… Wear workout/jogging/beachwear in public except when you are going to the gym (change there!), jogging, or at the beach!
(I have seen it all and I’ve seen more than should ever be shown in public! Perhaps looking in a mirror before leaving your accommodation would be a good idea? Dress appropriately!)

NEVER… Block/hog sidewalks while you look at your smartphone, figure out where you are, chat with friends or whatever…!
People LIVE here – be aware of your surroundings!
NEVER…Sit on curbs, stairs, in entrances (especially places of worship), eating, drinking or looking at/talking on your smartphone – it’s PUBLIC space! (And seeing others do it doesn’t make it OK!)
NEVER…Leave your trash (empties, wrappers, etc.) anywhere but in a trash receptacle. Can’t find one? Hang on to it until you do.
(And you AirBNB peeps, STOP leaving your trash by doorways OR on the street! There are designated days and locations. Is that what you do at home??)
NEVER…Buy cheap imitation anything made “somewhere else”, support local shops and artisans. Buy authentic “Made in Italy”! (And never from street vendors!)
NEVER…Okay to be rude, disrespectful, condescending or to act “entitled”.
NEVER…Expect last minute availability or tickets – there is NO “OFF” or LOW SEASON anymore, only varying levels of HIGH SEASON.
I can’t tell you how often I see visitors upset, frustrated, disappointed because they simply didn’t plan ahead!
Don’t complain if you didn’t plan ahead!
NEVER…Treat anywhere like it’s a theme park (unless it is a theme park)!
I see people walk into churches and basilicas like it’s a shop! Taking pictures, talking loudly, and dressed inappropriately – NO! If it were your place of worship how would you feel?

NEVER…Be a “selfie” addict! UGH! (And just because it’s on IG doesn’t make it the “best”!)
NEVER…Expect everyone to speak English.
Remember that visitors come to Italy from all over the world – you can hardly expect the locals to speak every language! In larger cities, most will speak English (certainly in the hospitality/tourism sector) but in the smaller towns/villages, it’s not necessarily the case.
And a few ALWAYS…
Courtesy and respect never go out of style!
ALWAYS…Remember that you are a GUEST!
Learn about the culture, the history, the traditions.
The Italian people are known for their hospitality and friendliness – they are very proud of their country and history and love to share it. They also have a strong sense of propriety and tradition – honor it.
Consider: How would you want a guest or visitor to behave in your hometown? Your home?
ALWAYS…Pay attention to rules/protocol and signs e.g., museums, churches, etc. (e.g., no flash photos, no food or beverages, no pets, etc.)
Pay attention to the SIGNS!
ALWAYS…Research and prepare BEFORE you come! You have invested your resources ($$), now invest your time! Your experience will be so much richer. (It’s actually embarrassing to hear some of the stories related to me by guides.)
ALWAYS…Be aware of your surroundings – and please get a real map and before you leave you accommodation, do some planning rather than just walking around with your nose buried in your smartphone following GPS.
ALWAYS…Seek the advice of experts and experienced locals and take the glitzy/click bait articles with a huge grain of salt (better yet, keep scrolling)…
ALWAYS…Learn a few words and phrases in Italian, just try!
♦ And ALWAYS…Read my book and TipZ! ♦
Victoria”s Travel TipZ Italian Style (on Amazon)!
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4 thoughts on “Timely Travel TipZ from YOUR Boots on the Ground in the Boot!”
Great recommendations! We saw all of the don’t on our recent trip! Could not believe it! How rude not to respect the culture of the country you are visiting!
Grazie, Bill! I’m thrilled that you and your family enjoyed your visit…
Ah, it is unbelievable and frustrating to see such disrespectful behavior, isn’t it? A backlash is coming!
In the meantime, do come back!
Best from Firenze,
Boy oh boy! Right on the $ here Victoria! I can’t tell you how many people I see questions from, in a group I belong to, that make me shudder. The “everyone speaks English” is one that drives me around the bend! Or not wanting to bother to do their own research ahead of time, just wanting others to tell them where/what they should see! I’m very glad to see the push back and restrictions. Well past time. How much $ does hit and run tourism leave behind? The locals definitely deserve better. Couldn’t agree more about the Italian people being friendly and hospitable and not the least bit afraid to correct my Italian!
Grazie and forgive my late response! Yes to all of that! And we just have to remember to “do the right thing” and set the example!
See you soon here, I hope!
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