Tag: Wish You Were Here
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Carnevale Viareggio 2023!
Celebrating Carnevale in Viareggio! Celebrating 150 years of a cherished tradition.
Take Me with You to Italy!!
Since travel in 2023 is top of mind for so many of us…and I know that many of you or your family/friends are thinking about Italy?
In addition to the Travel Planning TipZ shared in my previous post, in order to prepare for Italia I have another excellent suggestion! My book!
My Last Timely Travel TipZ & UpdateZ for ’22!
Timely Travel TipZ #7
Giving Thanks from Your Boots on the Ground in the Boot! ♥
It’s hard to believe that “the holidays” are around the corner! Read on for year end hot topics!
Italy Travel TipZ: Day Tripping
“We’ll just take a day trip!” Sounds simple, doesn’t it? Perhaps a bit carefree? Even spontaneous, adventurous? How often have I heard: ”you can just
Venice! My Day Trip Photo Journal…
Why did I take a day trip to Venice when it deserves so much more? Read on & find out!
The Genius of Leonardo…Larger than Life!
Join me for a visit to a most unusual exhibit – an immersive multi-media experience featuring tghe genius of Leonardo da Vinci!
(MORE) Timely TipZ, Updates & Miscellany from Your Boots on the Ground in the Boot! #7
From YOUR Boots on the Ground in the Boot: As we say “ciao” August, what’s new and on the horizon here in Italia!?