The Beauty of Day Tripping to the Eternal City – Roma!
All (rail) roads led to my favorite museum in Roma, Galleria Borghese, last December and recently to a very special exhibit at Palazzo Barberini.
All (rail) roads led to my favorite museum in Roma, Galleria Borghese, last December and recently to a very special exhibit at Palazzo Barberini.
Located in the region of Emilia-Romagna, Parma, the City of Gastronomy, is well known for it’s culinary “stars”: Parmigiano Reggiano and Prosciutto di Parma…but there is much more to enjoy in this sophisticated city…
Si, it’s been a while since I shared any “new” TipZ…the fact is, not a lot has changed…but I thought it was a good time
Another very controversial topic (along with tipping in Italy) is taking a taxi in Italy. Here are some facts and tips that I think you will find useful!
“We’ll just take a day trip!” Sounds simple, doesn’t it? Perhaps a bit carefree? Even spontaneous, adventurous? How often have I heard: ”you can just
It’s late morning and we’ve had a wonderful stroll through the fascinating “caruggi” of historical Genova but, more sightseeing will have to wait, it’s time
There’s nothing more gratifying than testimonials from guests who loved Italy with Victoria!
10 Reasons Why You Will ♥ LOVE ♥ Coming to Italy with Victoria! Here are 10 Fabulous Reasons Why You Should Say “Si”!!