Although Liguria is isolated by nature and is one of Italy’s smallest and lesser known regions, it can boast some of the most famous and visiting cities in Italy including Genoa, the Cinque Terre and the Italian Riviera!
Join me as we visit Liguria and learn about her unique characteristics, her place in history, ad why there’s more than meets the eye…
Starting in her superb capital and port of Genoa, La Superba! Then let’s explore her picturesque coast and her rich gifts and culture…
Only in Liguria…
NEW! Join Me by the Sea…on the Italian Riviera!
Visit the Galata Museo del Mar in Genoa!
10 “Superb” Reasons to Visit, Genoa, La Superba!
Presto! It’s Pesto in a Palace!!
Genoa’s Marvelous Mercato Orientale
Romeo Viganotti: A Sweet Legacy in Genoa
Chinotto: A Taste for the Unusual
Falling for Genoa & the the Italian Riviera!
♦Live the Dream and Join Me in Genoa and the Italian Riviera (and Lake Como!)! Stay tuned for new dates!♦
Click on any photo for a stunning virtual tour!

♦ Join me on a boutique tour or let’s plan YOUR custom trip to Italy!♦
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