The city of Scicli (pronounced shi-kli) may not be as familiar as Palermo, Catania, Ragusa, Siracusa or Taormina, much less on your list of places to visit in Sicily…but it should be!

The province of Ragusa is in southeast Sicily and, since 2002, includes a historical UNESCO Heritage Site; the Val di Noto. Consisting of seven cites, the most notable and well-known are Ragusa, Monica, Noto and Scicli...

After the devastating earthquake in 1693, cities of Val di Noto were completely reconstructed by the 18th century in “pure Sicilian Baroque” architectural style.
Scicli, with a population just over 27,000, was not as well-known as its neighbors. However, becoming one of the filming locations for the popular Inspector Montalbano (“Il Commissario Montalbano”) series in 1999, and Young Montalbano (“Il Giovane Montalbano”) since 2012, has contributed to its rise in popularity.
During our day trip visit, we enjoyed a pleasant leisurely stroll taking in the Montalbano filming locations as well as the splendid and stunning aristocratic palazzi, churches and, of course, shops and restaurants, many of which are found on Via Francesco Mormina Penna.
Won’t you join us? But first, let’s do as Montalbano would do; never make any decisions on an empty stomach! And, since the cafe where he and his colleagues, Augello and Fazio, often confer together over an espresso is just across the way…
Click on any photo for a virtual tour!
Pedestrian friendly, Scicli is photogenic, picturesque and extremely appealing. The local creamy white stone enhances its attractiveness, reflecting the appealing warm appealing luster and accentuating the characteristically dramatic Baroque decor with playful cherubs, gargoyles, and mythical creatures. Linger, look in all directions…
Click on any photo for a virtual tour!
It’s no wonder that Scicli was chosen to be the fictional town of Vigata. Montalbano filming locations include Scicli’s town hall (municiolo) – the fictional police station of Vigata where we see Montalbano and colleagues arrive and depart in a flurry …
And…nearby, at the Scicli mayor’s office (Gabinetto del Sindaco) in Palazzo Iacono, is the fictional regional police headquarters of Montelusa (Stanza del Questore).
As a main thoroughfare, Via Francesco Mormino Penna is absolutely stunning. The 18th century noble palaces (including Palazzo Spadaro, Palazzo Donzelli-Iacono, Palazzo Bonelli, and Palazzo di Città)…

…the churches (including Chiesa di San Michele Arcangelo (below), Chiesa di San Giovanni Evangelista, and Chiesa di Santa Teresa)…

…and, of course, tempting possibilities to enjoy local specialties…

Save room in your luggage and budget for attractive local crafts and delicacies including the ceramics depicting Moorish heads that you will find depicted everywhere in Sicily. (When the Moors came from North Africa and invaded Sicily in the 11th century, they built ceramics workshops all over the island and taught the Sicilians to make brightly colored majolica. Read more about the legend and origins below.)
But don’t forget to just meander, explore and immerse in the charms of local life in this fascinating town in seductive Sicily…

Would YOU LOVE to Amble Along the Charming Streets of Scicli? What about Palermo? Taormina? Siracusa? Ragusa? and More?
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♦ Join Me on My Search for Inspector Montalbano
♦ Learn More About the Legend & Tradition of the Moorish Heads of Sicily
4 thoughts on “♦Let’s Take a Stroll Through Scicli, Sicily ♦”
Great to see a post about one of my favorite cities in the south of Sicily. Such beauty. It is no wonder it is a UNESCO site!
I agree Kathryn! I had been to th other Val di Noti cities of Modica, Noto & Ragusa and loved them all but Scicli was a beautiful surprise- definitely Someplace I’m looking forward to returning to…
We much preferred Scicli to Noto, much more interesting.
To visit both as well as Modica & Ragusa is so rewarding. I have to say that I, too, found Scicli to be more interesting and would love to stay there a few days to explore more.
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