Let’s Take a Stroll…To a Cat Sanctuary in Rome

Spacer-LaDolceVitaThis is the first of many strolls I’d like us to take together…let’s take our time and just enjoy the sites, shall we?

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Cats in Rome… A Long History

It’s hard not to notice the large feline population in Rome! Legend has it that the first cats in Rome were brought by Cleopatra and Antony from Egypt where cats were revered. Another legend says that cats are well taken care of because, during the plague, the cats ate the rats thus saving the city. Strolling through the city, there’s no doubt that they have made themselves at home here!

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Today we’re going to visit the Cat Sanctuary in Largo di Torre Argentina, a piazza in the heart of Rome.

Click on any photo for a virtual tour!

Located in ancient Roman ruins in the center of the piazza, the sanctuary is a no-kill shelter staffed by volunteers. They sterilize 3,000 cats each year and find homes for 250.

Click on any photo for a virtual look!

I was saddened to hear that cats that look like my Lulu (tabbies) are the last to be adopted because they are so common! Rome - cats

The next time you’re in Rome, if you’re a cat lover, be sure and stop by… and please remember that donations are welcome.

Thank mew!Spacer-LaDolceVita

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2 thoughts on “Let’s Take a Stroll…To a Cat Sanctuary in Rome”

    • Debra,
      It does seem like a purr-fect spot. I guess there have been efforts to remove the sanctuary but so far so good! I have to say the cats in Rome look much better fed than cats I’ve seen elsewhere on my travels!
      Thank mew for stopping by!

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