Invitation from…YOUR Boots on the Ground in the Boot!

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YOU are Invited!

Join Me in Italy! ♥


Si! As of today, I will be redirecting and focusing on sharing my experiences and photos in (almost) real time exclusively here on my blog:

My wish and intention is to continue to share The Beauty of Being Here with YOU via my photos and, hopefully, interesting content.
In addition, I will continue to share my Timely Travel TipZ!

♦ You are invited to join me  as I continue exploring, experiencing, and immersing in …this beautiful place that I now call home! ♦

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Boots on the Ground in the Boot!After much soul searching about how to “go forward”, I have decided on a slightly new “strategy” to stay in touch and share with YOU!

Although I will, for the time being, continue to publish links to my posts & newsletters on my social media pages, I will be reducing my footprint on those platforms.


♥ Will you join me? I hope so! ♥

Be it virtually or, hopefully, coming to Italy one day, let’s stay in touch!Grazie for Joining Me!

⇒If you would like to FOLLOW ME on my blog

⇒Please CLICK HERE ⇐
or Send Me an Email with Your Name and email address and I will add you:

(I promise not to inundate you with emails – I know we are all on overload!- and I always respect your privacy, i.e., I NEVER share your personal information with anyone!)

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I love sharing with you and I love hearing from you, too!copyright 2017
Please stay tuned for lots of Beauty and more TipZ coming your way and feel free to comment with questions, suggestions, etc.!

√ CLICK Here to Contact Me!

♥ Grazie di cuore da Firenze! ♥

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Footnote: It is hard to know what to say, what to share…I have been thinking long and hard about the direction and timing…and I have decided to share the beauty that I have been and will continue to immerse in to salve my heart and soul…and to share it now.

It’s not as though I can look away and act as if it is “business as usual”. It is not. However, I am and will continue to do what I have to do to stay strong, resilient, and to cling to hope…and I support you in doing the same.

And, I do want to stay in touch!

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