YOU are Invited!
♥ Join Me in Italy! ♥
Si! As of today, I will be redirecting and focusing on sharing my experiences and photos in (almost) real time exclusively here on my blog:
My wish and intention is to continue to share The Beauty of Being Here with YOU via my photos and, hopefully, interesting content.
In addition, I will continue to share my Timely Travel TipZ!
♦ You are invited to join me as I continue exploring, experiencing, and immersing in …this beautiful place that I love so much! ♦
After much soul searching about how to “go forward”, I have decided on a slightly new “strategy” to stay in touch and share with YOU!
Although I will, for the time being, continue to publish links to my posts & newsletters on my social media pages, I will be reducing my footprint on those platforms.
♥ Will you join me? I hope so! ♥
Be it virtually or, hopefully, coming to Italy one day, let’s stay in touch!
⇒If you would like to FOLLOW ME on my blog
⇒Please CLICK HERE ⇐
or Send Me an Email with Your Name and email address and I will add you:
(I promise not to inundate you with emails – I know we are all on overload!- and I always respect your privacy, i.e., I NEVER share your personal information with anyone!)
♥ I love sharing with you and I love hearing from you, too!♥
Please stay tuned for lots of Beauty and more TipZ coming your way and feel free to comment with questions, suggestions, etc.!
√ CLICK Here to Contact Me!
♥ Grazie di cuore da Firenze! ♥
♦ Footnote: It is hard to know what to say, what to share…I have been thinking long and hard about the direction and timing…and I have decided to share the beauty that I have been and will continue to immerse in to salve my heart and soul…and to share it now.
It’s not as though I can look away and act as if it is “business as usual”. It is not. However, I am and will continue to do what I have to do to stay strong, resilient, and to cling to hope…and I support you in doing the same.
♥ And, I do want to stay in touch! ♥
5 thoughts on “Invitation from…YOUR Boots on the Ground in the Boot!”
And, my dear Victoria, staying in touch is so important! Where would we be without having made these connections that have allowed us such special times. These are the things we need to cherish. In a normal day I will, for a short period of time, be connected to the world but for the majority of the day I listen to music that I like and spending time going for a walk and then time in my happy place, the kitchen. It’s about making a choice. Yes, we need to pay attention to what is happening but there’s a limit to how much we can handle and how much we should filter out. Sending you a very large hug because it’s what we need to do for each other. Ciao Cara.
Yes, we must stay connected to each other and to our happy place…and navigate what is happening in the world since it’s that very connection that binds us all!
Big hugs – come back soon!
I get it, Victoria, and will look forward to your newsletters as the source of information and connecting. So much to consider in these constantly changing times. But most importantly, we cannot lose our connections with those we hold dear.
Yes, we must hold on to our cherished friends and family (blood or choice!) – and to our selves and
what inspires and gives us hope.
Big hug!
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