Four Years and Counting! Your “Boots on the Ground in the Boot” is Still Here!

Four years in Florence!!The next chapter continues! A crazy quilt of delights and challenges!
Trade offs, compromises, mistakes,“little victories”…
Living in one of the most beautiful cities in the world…exquisite art, beauty, ups and downs…life!
No magic but always a sense of wonder!

From Florence with LOVE - Four Year Anniversary
From Florence with LOVE!

“I’m still learning.”

Four Year Anniversary - Florence, Italy
I’m still learning, too!

I still learning and loving Firenze and living in my San Niccolo rione (‘hood)!  Every time I climb the sixty-five (yes! 6-5!!) stairs to my wonderful apartment I feel like I’ve arrived at my own sweet nest and sanctuary.

Four Year Anniversary, Florence, Italy
Still in love with you, Firenze!

2024 marks my first trip back to the States since I have arrived here and, doubtless, the reality of the significant changes I have made over the last four years was crystal clear!

Four Year Anniversary - Florence, Italy
Dolce Vita – California to Firenze!!

My main reasons for visiting: I so missed my friends (LOVED seeing and spending time with everyone!) and the other “mission” – to tackle and downsize my storage unit. I will spare you the details but the bottom line was and is the magnitude of the decision I made and now make…to remain here in Italy.

Suffice it to say, “mission accomplished”. Whew! And, also the hope hope hope to see my friends again (here or there) sooner rather than later…but the reality is I am here…now.

Four Year Anniversary - Florence, Italy
California fun and love with dear friends!

Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow…
There is always a “what’s next” looming but, I pull myself back into the “now”. I don’t live in a bubble and, although I try to balance the “news” and social media…this past year’s events have been particularly disconcerting and distressing. That said, seeking out beauty is my antidote, my relief and nourishment… And, fortunately, there is so much of it here!

Four Year Anniversary - Florence, Italy
Immersing in art…the beauty of being here!

Reflecting on the past year…years …when I scroll through the thousands of photos, I can hardly believe all that I have had the privilege to experience… For all of that I am grateful beyond words…and so grateful to share with you!

Four Year Anniversary, Florence, Italy
Learning, meeting and making new friends…
Four Year Anniversary, Florence, Italy
The joy of connecting and sharing…

Of course, there have been peaks and valleys, and a learning curve that has been very steep! But on the whole, what can I say except “Wow!…wow,Victoria…this is your life!”

Four Year Anniversary, Florence, Italy
All this and more…grateful!

I’ve always been a teacher at heart – and teachers are passionate about learning, sharing and inspiring. However, my journey and sharing is not (nor has it every been) about inspiring you to move to Italy… or to move anywhere! But just to share that those dreams that you may have, no matter what they may be, can become a new tangent, a new possibility …leading to other possibilities and dreams and even to new and unexpected paths, experiences and wonderful, fabulous people!

Four Year Anniversary, Florence, Italy
All the amazing fabulous people I wouldn’t have met!?
Four Year Anniversary, Florence, Italy
Living and sharing a passion with purpose!

Tapping Into Our Passion…
Finding our own version of happiness and balance…at least for me is a daily practice. And, also, testing my resolve, my strength, and capacity to adapt and grow!

Four Year Anniversary - Florence, Italy
Reflecting on Four Years and What’s Next?

It does require a huge dose of being willing to make some difficult choices, step into the unknown, take some risk, be uncomfortable, go through periods of self-doubt, and a lot of letting go… your choices, decisions, courage, and fortitude will be tested but ultimately, it’s all yours!

Four Year Anniversary, Florence, Italy
Casa dolce casa mia!

♥ Grazie da cuore for joining me on my journey! ♥

If you’re interested, there’s more…
My One Year Anniversary!
My Two Year Anniversary!
My Three Year Anniversary!
Victoria’s Interview with Italy Magazine

Ready to Plan YOUR Next Trip?

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