California Dreamin’ – How I Spent My Summer Vacation!

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“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.”
-Dr. Seuss

By the sea in Santa Barbara, Stearns Wharf
By the sea in Santa Barbara, Stearns Wharf

Intro: I make it a “policy” not to “overshare personal details. However, this is an exception particularly because it was my first time back in the States in four years. Incredible! Time does fly…and I had “business” to take care and dearly wanted to spend time with friends…

After many, many months of planning, at last,, on July 25th, I was off to California after almost 4 years! (I know, unbelievable, right?)

My focus and dual “mission”/plan to visit my home of 17 years, Santa Barbara, included two priorities: “Project Storage Unit” and quality time with dear friends.

And I am happy happy happy to say, “Mission(s) Accomplished!”

In a nutshell, I sold, gifted and donated (and shredded) a LOT in order to reduce my storage unit down to 1/2 the size and contents – no small feat, not to mention physically and emotionally taxing…(and, of course, packing up a few of my treasures to bring back to Firenze).

Thanks to the help and support of so many, many of my treasures found new homes and thanks to huge luggage & the airlines (ITA Airways), 154 pounds of luggage made it back with me. (Getting it all up my stairs is another story!)

Lovely days in Santa Barbara, special thanks to special friends...
Lovely days in Santa Barbara, special thanks to special friends…
Happy Happy Hour with Friends! OLE!
Happy Happy Hour with Friends! OLE!
Delightful & delicious dinner with my "Yoga tribe"!
Delightful & delicious dinner with my “Yoga Tribe”!

The other most important mission was to spend time with my friends – thanks to Bob and Andrea & Luigi for welcoming me into their homes and for all of the beautiful friends who joined me for joyful get-togethers.

Fun Fun Fun with Nancy & Marc and Jen & Dave!
Fun Fun Fun with Nancy & Marc and Jen & Dave!
Nothing like a long lunch with longtime friends!
Nothing like a long lunch with longtime friends!
Just like ol times!Carol & I have known each other for XX years!
Just like ol times! Carol & I have known each other for XX years!
All smiles! Lunch with Leanne & Jan and aperitivo with Lorie & Kerry.
All smiles! Lunch with Leanne & Jan and aperitivo with Lorie & Kerry.

Hugs, laughter, and a few tears – happy hours, dinners, lunches, and so many hours spent sharing memories and stories…just being together… and just what this gal needed…so grateful.

Time visiting Janice &n Jim and my fur-friends, Milo & Bob!
Time visiting Janice & Jim and my fur-friends, Milo & Bob!
Seaside aperitivo with Shannon...
Seaside aperitivo with Shannon…
Galfriend day tripping & wine tasting during my stay in Orcutt.
Galfriend day tripping & wine tasting during my stay in Orcutt.

Bridging the chapters of my life, years disappeared and the bond of friendship remains…my heart is full…

♥ Hoping to see you all next year – there or maybe here! ♥
Much much love…

Back to Firenze...
Leaving California…a la prossima!

Good food, good wine, GREAT FRIENDS, the best memories!
Good food, good wine, GREAT FRIENDS, the best memories!

Heartfelt thanks to Bob, Andrea & Luigi, Shel & Alice, Janice & Jim, Jen & Dave, Nancy & Marc, Nicola & Cliff, Amy, Jacqueline, Kathleen, Carol, Susie, Marna, Philip & Janette, Sarah, Margaret, Shannon, Leanne & Jan, Deb & Jan, Lorie & Kerry, Ginny…and Mary Beth (Homestead Antiques), & the fab staff of Extra Space Storage (Elaine & Karin)…

Ready to Plan YOUR Next Trip?

2 thoughts on “California Dreamin’ – How I Spent My Summer Vacation!”

  1. So fun to be with you and The Tribe again! Sounds like you got the Mission Accomplished and had time for friends and meals in between! Wow, look at those suitcases! Enjoy the autumn, and we hope your business and travels continue successfully! Ciao! XO, Cliff and Nicola

    • It was sooo fun for me, too! Loved seeing and spending time with all of you! Got much accomplished – and already looking forward to my next visit – and of course, always hoping all of you come to visit me!
      In the meanwhile, abbraccione!
      xo’s from Firenze!


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