♦Travel Plans? Pushing the “Pause” Button♦
We may have to “pause” our travel plans for now but we definitely don’t have to pause our travel dreams!
Besides that would be impossible for some of us!
Those plans may be delayed but not denied!
We may have to “pause” our travel plans for now but we definitely don’t have to pause our travel dreams!
Besides that would be impossible for some of us!
Those plans may be delayed but not denied!
What I Miss About Italy…
Until I can return, please join me as I reminisce and share some memories captured in photos and blog posts written over the past eight years of blogging about Italy…
Perhaps share some memories of your own?
In my last post: Italy’s Siren Song: ♥ “Ti aspettiamo “…”We wait for you…”♥ , I shared how Italy beckons us to return and delight in her warm and generous hospitality.
And then I realized that now we are waiting, too. Waiting until we can return…
♥ A lovely phrase you often hear in Italy, “Ti aspettiamo…”, “We wait for you…” is one of many ways Italy invites and beckons us to visit, to return. And Italy does wait for you with open arms and a warm heart… ♥
It’s late morning and we’ve had a wonderful stroll through the fascinating “caruggi” of historical Genova but, more sightseeing will have to wait, it’s time
There’s nothing more gratifying than testimonials from guests who loved Italy with Victoria!