♥I Think I’ll Stay…
Wow! Time flies…even in a pandemic! It was exactly six months ago that I arrived. Pinch me, I’ve been here six months!? What next?
Wow! Time flies…even in a pandemic! It was exactly six months ago that I arrived. Pinch me, I’ve been here six months!? What next?
Over the last months, I have been able to immerse & take “deep dives” into art, architecture, history, literature of Florence & more thanks to some amazing local experts. Please meet…
I LOVE “Learning with Locals” and today I’m going to introduce you to Nino. Join me in his boutique shoe shop, Goccia, in historical Florence…
Join me for a visit to the quintessential viewpoint in Florence, Piazzale Michelangelo.
Grazie to Italy Magazine for sharing my story!
I am beyond thrilled to share “my next chapter”!
It would be impossible (and probably naive) to even attempt to summarize or encapsulate the rich and complex history of any of the renowned museums here in Italy but I’ll keep trying! This week I want to share about another of Florence’s distinguished museums; Pitti Palace.