“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover.”
– Mark Twain
Welcome to PostcardZ from Victoria! My name is Victoria and I looking forward to spending some time together. Do you love to travel, too? I’m passionate about a great many things and one of those passions, travel (and especially travel to Italy) is the heart of this blog.

As your Italy Trip & Tour Designer, travel advisor, writer, blogger, and published author, I’m committed to sharing interesting, relevant and helpful information and advice to help you with your next travel adventure. I’ve written my no-nonsense practical tips, insights and guidelines with you in mind! Hopefully, they will take you from dreaming to doing and enjoying your best vacation ever!
Let me be clear…this is not a comprehensive travel guide nor is it meant to be. There are shelves of detailed travel books and sites for that! However, in addition to my personal experiences, I research and share expert advice and information on all aspects of travel planning from a wide variety of sources. Hence, you will find that they are extremely valuable regardless of where you may be going.
I also love sharing my own travel experiences as well as personal observations, insights and suggestions. Of course, my opinions are my own as are my preferences. You may or may not agree but you will always find me to be down-to-earth and having a pretty good time! My travel goals are to experience the people and cultures of the places I visit. (In other words, you won’t read about me bungee jumping or backpacking!)
You will find me traveling, touring or cruising, sometimes solo, often with friends or in groups. You will always find me meeting and learning with locals and appreciating local customs, cuisine, museums, and historical sights – in other words, enjoying and immersing myself in the local lifestyle wherever I go.

In a a straightforward and easily navigated format, everything you need to make that next vacation a great vacation is right here at your fingertips. From travel budget guidelines to coping with jet lag; from packing to pet care to tipping, I’ve got you covered every step of the way!
Let me help you to be savvy, to be safe and to get the most from your sightseeing. Going solo? Celebrating a special occasion? Considering a tour or cruise? Be informed – it’s all here – just a click away!
In addition to the nuts and bolts of travel planning, I love writing about a range of eclectic topics seldom discussed in travel guides. From surviving flying and taking care of your tootsies, from observing local customs to proper toilet etiquette (yes, you got it here first!), not to mention some to-the-point reality checks, (almost) no topic is off limits. It’s all intended to be fun and informative!

And NOW, I’m your “boots on the ground in the boot”! Si, since Italy has my favorite destination, I decided to that the best way to convince you to travel to bella Italia was to be in bella Italia!
So, in October, 2020, I arrived in Florence and in April, 2021, decided to extend my stay (at least) another six months!
As I continue to expand my travels and local relationships, I look forward to offering even more experiences and fantastic ways for you to enjoy the Italy that I love with my:
” ♥ Friends of Victoria ♥”!

Collaborating with my local Italy experts and partners, we offer you a wide selection of unforgettable custom experiences and itineraries from north to south! Whether you’re a couple, friends, a family or a small group, YOUR Friends are here to help you to design YOUR dream trip to bella Italia! (Click and read more here!)
You can find me sharing and chatting on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn) and, of course, on Amazon.
More coming…Stay tuned & stay in touch!
My First Year in Italy: What I’ve Learned (So Far!)
Update 2021! ♥ I Think I’ll Stay!
Update 2020! A New Chapter Begins!! Update 2020!
Join Victoria as she begins a “new chapter” in fall of 2020! Why? How? Where?
Your Boots on the Ground is HERE!
In Italy and waiting for YOU!
My Interview in Italy Magazine! Si, ME!
50+ 5-Star Reviews on Amazon!!!
I’m thrilled that my first book has been so well received!
And NOW you can get the UPDATED & REVISED Edition with over 450+ TipZ!
Get your copy, paperback or Kindle, on Amazon:
Would you like an signed copy? Send me a message & we’ll arrange it!
My goal is to inform, involve and inspire YOU to
“Explore. Dream. Discover.”
It’s a big world! So, dust off those travel dreams…and let’s go!
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I would love to hear from YOU! Please stay in touch and let me know how I’m doing!
Send Me a Postcard ! Just comment below.
Your comments, questions, suggestions, and feedback are always appreciated.
* * *
Wish you were here?? You can be!
Please wait for the slideshow for a fun virtual tour of some of my adventures!
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(Just in case the link doesn’t work, just send me an email: postcardsfromvictoria(@)gmail (DOT)com)
7 thoughts on “About Victoria”
Yea! Look forward to hearing more travel ideas…
Good to know that we’re both published bloggers on ItalianNotebook.com. Keep writing and I’ll keep reading your posts.
Ditto! I love learning about new places to visit in Italy and am very jealous of you ex-pats! I appreciate you
“stopping by” and hope you enjoy my efforts as much as I enjoy yours! Buona giornata!
just stumbled across your blog, look forward to reading more 🙂
Ciao, Kiwi Girl, Anna!
Grazie for the note and I look forward to staying in touch and hearing from you. Have you been to Italy? Studied there?
Will take a gander at your blog, too. (And, just curious, how did you stumble across mine? :D)
Hi! I just came across your blog by way of Timeless Italy and I like your straightforward presentation!
Thank you Karen…I hope you’ll keep stopping by!