…and the Beauty of Being YOUR Boots on the Ground in the Boot!
Since arriving exactly 2-1/2 years ago (and not really knowing how long I would stay), every day…honestly, every day when I wake up it takes a few minutes to once again realize that I’m not dreaming, I am really HERE!
All I have to do is scroll through the thousands (yes, thousands!) of photos and I’m reminded of all that I have experienced, not to mention the rewarding connections made, since I’ve arrived.

(Maria, Paola, Debora & Miky)
Sure, there are challenges, every day isn’t “la dolce vita”. There’s a learning curve, faux pas and missteps, adjustments to be made, and blips on the screen… but the overriding emotion remains one of gratitude and a sense of “wow”!!
As your “boots on the ground here in the boot”, sharing with you is such a pleasure and privilege. Not only have I wanted to provide “real time” updates and travel tips but I know that many of you have been to Italy or dream of coming or returning. And, I know that, for whatever reason, some of you may never come or return… so I always hope to inspire and/or rekindle your love for and appreciation of this amazing country!
♥ My wonderful San Niccolo Community!
Two of my main interests became my focus and the subject of many blog posts during my first months here. And for me they became an important and rewarding way to share about the richness of the Italian culture – it’s museums and its people!
I’ve barely scratched the surface but I wanted to re-share those posts to “reintroduce” you to some of the amazing locals I’ve met as well as a big dose of beauty -and there’s plenty to enjoy…
♥ The Beauty of Being Here…
Beauty is an essential element of the Italian lifestyle – from its language and the arts, it’s not only found in the museums but in shop window displays, in the way your meal is presented, how produce is displayed…beauty is a way of life in Italy…what’s not to love about that?
♦ About “I ♥LOVE♥ Learning with Locals”
You’re invited to meet dedicated local travel/tour guides who will introduce you to the local lifestyle (including food and wine, of course) and dedicated artisans of everything from ceramics, jewelry and leather to mosaics, paper marbling and shoes!
Day Tripping in Chianti Country with Arianna & Alessio – KMZero
Stepping Out in (Italian) Style with Nino – Goccia Shoes
Scarpelli Mosaici and the Extraordinary Art of ”Painting in Stone”!
Made in Italy: Fired Up with Sbigoli Terrecotte- Chiara, Lorenza & Valentino
Inside the Colorful World of Artist Elizabeth Orchard
The “Marble-ous” Art of Paper Marbling with Riccardo Luci
Learning with Locals: Venetian Style – Marisa, Marco & Monica
Tasting Florence with Toni
Infinite Excellence at Infinity Firenze Leather Atelier – Aaron & Sonia
Learning the Fine Art of Fresco Painting with Alan Pascuzzi
Learning Salento Style with Ylenia and Michele
Day Tripping with Debora in Arezzo!
This Inspired Tuscan Life with Lisa!
Discovering a Hidden Gem – Pistoia with Michela
Meet Florentine Artisans with Maria
♦ About “I ♥LOVE♥ Museums”
The luxury of visiting and revisiting museums, for me, is indescribable! Learning more, diving a little deeper into some of the most exquisite masterpieces in the world, not to mention special exhibits, is a dream come true for me!
Florence is often described as the “cradle of the Renaissance” and an open air museum and how true that is! It’s all infinitely fascinating and, quite honestly, in a world that is pulling you in all directions, immersing in pure beauty is salve for the soul…
These are the museums I’ve written about:
Cartapesta Museum – Lecce, Puglia
Galata Museum – Genoa, Liguria
Carpigiani Gelato Museum – Bologna, Emilia-Romagna
Museo Antonio Salina – Palermo, Sicily
Museum of Opera del Duomo
Museo degli Innocenti
National Museum of the Bargello
Accademia Gallery (David)
Medici Chapel (& New Sacristy)
Pitti Palace
Palazzo Davanzati
Museum of Opaficio delle Pietre Dure – Paintings of Stone
Needless to say I have visited many many more…(and this is just in Florence!) and I highly recommend that you research and consider visiting:
Uffizi Gallery
Palazzo Vecchio
Palazzo Medici Riccardi
Museo San Marco
Much of the art of Italy is in the churches – here in Florence – to name a few:
The Baptistery
Santa Croce
Santa Maria Novella
Branacci Chapel
Santissimi Annunciata
Church of Ognissanti
Santa Trinita Basilica
Santa Felicita
More museums and monumental sites as well as cathedrals and basilicas are found throughout every region in Italy – far too many to even try to list here! (If you would like suggestions shoot me an email!)
♦ Balancing “carpe diem” and “la dolce far niente”!

As we have transitioned (from lock down COVID days) and being able to do almost nothing to a cautious reopening to now when everything is wide open…there’s an almost overwhelming array of possibilities and choices!
“Carpe diem” – basically “just do it”! Then there’s “la dolce far niente” – the sweet doing nothing – just “be”! It’s an ongoing balancing act of sorts! And I love having YOU join me for the adventure!
Ti aspettiamo! We’re waiting for YOU!