Lazio is the home of Rome, the Eternal City and, of course, the capital of Italy. It is also the location of the separate city-state of the Vatican.
There is so much to see, do and experience here! Thousands of years of history, it’s fascinating, breathtaking, chaotic, crowded and absolutely wonderful!
Read about:
NEW! My “Roman Holiday”: a Week in Rome, the Eternal City
A Delicious Walk in Rome!
A Stroll to St. Peter’s to See Papa!
Cats in Rome
I loved exploring and enjoying these historic sites as well…
The Roman Forum -Where Caesar & Augustus Walked
The Colossal Colosseum
The Sistine Chapel – Michelangelo’s Masterpiece
The Exquisite Vatican Museum
Breathtaking…St. Peter’s Basilica
And, of course, other iconic sights…
Tossing coins in Trevi Fountain
The Glorious Pantheon
One of Bernini’s Masterpieces – Piazza Navonna
And SO much more to savor and enjoy in this bella cittá!!!
CLICK on any photo for more ROME!
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