♦ When I was invited to join Linda and Claudio during the filming of their virtual cooking and wine pairing class, of course, I said “si”! ♦

I met Linda though a mutual friend and Italy contact, Shannon Kenny (CEO, Prontopia). Even before I came to Florence, I connected with Linda and loved watching her Zoom and Facebook Live TGIF’s from Florence and beyond. (She had me with the first virtual cooking class overlooking Ponte Vecchio with three handsome chefs! And then there was the “negroni walk” in Florence!). Needless to say, once I got to Florence, I couldn’t wait to connect!
Despite COVID and vacillating zone restrictions Linda, a local tour operator, wine expert/sommelier and exceptional certified tour leader, has carried on virtually introducing us to a wonderful array of distinctive wineries, artisans, exhibits and experiences.
In a recent episode she and Claudio presented a congenial virtual and quite tempting cooking and wine pairing session in Claudio’s cucina. Fun and informal yet informative, it was definitely the kind of cooking/wine pairing class I love (i.e., making delicious specialties, keeping it simple and enjoying local vino in a casual environment). Not being a proficient cook or a wine expert but loving to immerse, learn, and sample, their style was right up my alley and, of course, who doesn’t love a man who can cook?! (There’s a wink here!)
♦ Inside the Tuscan Kitchen ♦
We arrive at Claudio’s and it’s impossible not to feel welcomed when you are warmly greeted with (air) hugs and a glass of chilled Prosecco!
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We’re all a little hungry so while Linda explains why our meal always starts with Prosecco, we graze on some typical (and yummy!) Tuscan antipasti: bruschetta, and salame toscano and parmigiano-reggiano.
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♦ What is on the Menu? ♦
Homemade gnocchi (pronounced nyow-kee), Italian potato dumplings with a ragu sauce…oh, YUM!
The filming and entire afternoon was casual and just delightful fun. I loved observing, learning, a brief impromptu “hands on” moment and, of course, imbibing and sampling the fare! So, let’s begin, shall we?
Everything is ready and with Jessica filming, the preparation begins! Claudio always has a twinkle in his eyes and is a bit mischievous adding to our group fun and enjoyment.

Claudio describes the ingredients (which are very simple) emphasizing that, as it always is with Italian cuisine, the very finest ingredients => simple delicious results. Of course, as is so often the case with local chefs, Claudio learned how to cook from his grandmother so an exact recipe is elusive. So much is just pure hands on experience and that certain “know how”? Knack? Je ne sais quoi??

The potatoes are boiling, the conversation is lively and the Prosecco is flowing. Linda narrates, interprets and interjects insights, information and anecdotes while assisting Claudio with preparations.
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After peeling and ricing the potatoes, then adding only flour, one egg and salt, comes the kneading and know how of making the perfect dough. It’s rolled in “snakes”, cut in (2cm pieces) and then cooked in boiling water. I’m not going to detail it all here, you’ll just have to check out their webinar (details below!). But I will share my “brief but spectacular” moment (haha!) of helping to roll out the dough and make gnocchi.

The gnocchi are cooking and the sauce is simmering, signaling that now it’s time for the wine pairing and Linda has chosen a velvety Chianti Classico from Panzanello. Perfetto!
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And, of course, the grand finale? Ah, delizioso! Gnocchi with a perfect consistency that melts in your mouth combined with a tasty ragu sauce…and washed down with Chianti Classico. Buon appettito!
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♦ ♦ ♦
♦ Bring a Taste of Tuscany to Your Home! ♦
♦ About Your Hosts:
♦ Linda is a fabulous, knowledgeable food and wine expert and has been a guide for 20 years. Her company, Italy Customized, offers a wide range of curated customized tours and event services all over Italy.
♦ Claudio, Inside the Tuscan Kitchen, is a charming and engaging chef who will share his techniques and “secrets” for delicious rustic Tuscan cuisine. His passion and enthusiasm are contagious.
And I don’t know about you but I’m inspired and hope you will be, too! And since Linda is now a Friend of Victoria, we are looking forward to collaborating and welcoming YOU to Florence in 2021!
⇒ Just CLICK on the links below to Linda’s Virtual Cooking Class and Wine Pairing with Claudio:
And, per favore, mention that you heard about them from, Victoria, Your Boots on the Ground in the Boot!